Career Survival Guide: Grit, Wit & Wisdom

Over the past two plus decades, the most impactful career guidance I’ve embraced includes insights that have proven their worth:

An Image created by Dall-E prompt. (Prompt is located at bottom)

• Merit is crucial, yet networking is key. Establishing meaningful relationships can be as valuable as your skills. Don’t underestimate the influence of strong connections.

• Embrace the practicality of work. While finding a job that ignites passion is ideal, sometimes a position is just a stepping stone towards your goals, and that’s perfectly fine.

• Constructive criticism is invaluable. Although praise feels good, constructive feedback is a powerful tool for personal and professional development. Accept it with grace.

• Work-life balance is dynamic. It’s unrealistic to expect a perfect balance daily. Aim for equilibrium over longer periods, allowing flexibility between professional and personal demands.

• Growth may mean moving on. Staying true to your evolving self may necessitate leaving positions that no longer reflect your values or ambitions.

• Continuous learning is non-negotiable. With the rapid evolution of the job market and technological advancements, staying informed and skilled is essential.

• Reject the pursuit of perfection. Focus on delivering your best work consistently instead of chasing an unattainable ideal, which can hinder progress and amplify stress.

• Cultivate soft skills. Alongside technical abilities, qualities like empathy, adaptability, and communication can significantly enhance your career trajectory.

• Negotiation is powerful. Assertively advocating for your worth and boundaries is crucial in shaping your career path and work environment.

• Leadership matters. A manager’s style and their approach to feedback and development can significantly affect your job satisfaction. Choose wisely.

• Prioritize your health. No job should compromise your well-being. Recognize your limits and ensure self-care is a non-negotiable aspect of your life.

If these insights strike a chord, feel free to share them with your network.


Here is the Dall-E prompt I used for the image. Let me know what you get back if different!

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