Artificial Intelligence

  • Take the Right Turn at the AI Crossroad: Why Rimini Street is the Smarter Move Today

    “Live your beliefs and you can turn the world around.” –Henry David Thoreau In the ever-evolving world of enterprise data and software, trends often come and go, and what people believe will happen doesn’t always align with reality. Right now, we’re experiencing significant economic turbulence. The global economy is unstable, wars are ongoing on multiple… Read more

  • Elevating Data Literacy

    Understanding the Necessary Groundwork for integrating AI In the dynamic realm of data management and analytics, fostering a data-literate culture is not just a trend, but a necessity for businesses to unlock the full potential of their data assets. This strategic shift, where leaders across industries are prioritizing data literacy, is not without reason. It’s… Read more

  • Unleashing the Fourth Railroad Revolution: How Gen Z, AI, and Predictive Tech Are Paving the Way for Efficiency and Innovation

    Amid significant layoffs by one of the largest Class 1 railroad operators, the railroad industry stands at a pivotal crossroads. Influenced by financial pressures and unmet profit expectations, over 360 mechanical employees were recently dismissed. This decision raises serious concerns about safety and operational efficiency. However, this moment also opens the door to revolutionary changes… Read more

  • OpenAI’s Store Revolutionizes AI

    Finally, its here! Its actually here! This time we aren’t kidding! OpenAI, a trailblazer in artificial intelligence, has recently unveiled its latest venture: the GPT Store. This move, announced at a developer conference by CEO Sam Altman, marks a significant shift in how AI technologies will be accessed and utilized. A New Platform for Innovation… Read more

  • Multi-Modal AI meets Google Gemini

    What is multi-modal AI? In the world of artificial intelligence (AI), a cutting-edge technology known as Gemini is revolutionizing how we perceive and interact with AI systems. Gemini is a multi-modal AI model that combines various types of data, such as images, text, and audio, to provide a more holistic understanding of the world. Unlike… Read more

  • Navigating the Future of Product Marketing: A Data-Driven and Creative Odyssey

    In the ever-evolving landscape of product marketing, where each decision shapes our path to success, embracing a data-driven strategy has become imperative. This journey isn’t just about following trends; it’s about using data as a compass to navigate the complex maze of modern business with precision and insight. As a product marketer, I’ve witnessed a… Read more

  • GPT-4 Turbo; Manage Up to 128K Tokens!

    OpenAI recently held its inaugural developer conference, DevDay. During the event, the company unveiled a suite of groundbreaking AI advancements, including the latest iteration of its flagship AI model, GPT-4 Turbo. This enhanced version boasts significant upgrades designed to elevate user interactions, introduce novel functionalities, and cater to the needs of vision-impaired individuals. Expanded Context… Read more